Success Story AI, MarTech & CX

Establishing relationships and influencers to raise brand awareness


Leading workforce innovation company

Program & Deliverables

PR & Awareness, Content Marketing


Driving awareness through influencer and media relations

Activating PAN’s SaaS PR agency services, including influencer and media relations, a leading document management software company sought to drive awareness and conversation around their brand in the legal and accounting industries as well as their solutions and key benefits.


pieces of coverage
(over 6 MOnths)  


Readers reached via media
(over 6 MOnths)


Influencer features and engagements (over 6 MOnths)


Getting in front of decision-makers at small-to-midsize firms

PAN set out to establish lasting relationships with highly influential people in the legal and accounting industries to get the company’s brand and its solutions in front of decision-makers at small-to-midsize firms.

Over six months, PAN engaged seven new influencers across the legal and accounting space, using their platforms and channels to target key audiences (via podcasts, newsletters, etc.). By fostering strong relationships with these influencers, PAN and the company received pro bono work offers and introductions to other prominent voices interested in working with, and promoting, the brand.


Delivering consistent, impactful earned media coverage

PAN also forged and nurtured connections with established accounting, legal, trade and regional business journalists to build a robust earned media strategy featuring consistent, impactful coverage.

Over six months, PAN developed strong and growing thought leadership platforms for the company’s leadership bench to build their presence and voice in trending industry conversations. Through strategic efforts to elevate the brand’s visibility in earned media, PAN moves closer to making the company a primary resource that journalists preemptively source for inbound opportunities, continually advancing awareness of the brand and its solutions.

It has been wonderful to elevate the client’s brand through influencer relations and gain visibility for the benefits of their solutions within key markets.

Ariel Novak, VP of Technology at PAN  
Ariel Novak, Vice President at PAN Communications, headshot