It’s a fact: we live in a digital world. The more people tweet, share, link and upload, the more opportunities companies have to improve their brand and experience for their customers. For the PR industry, the rise of digital means that our plans are no longer just basic media relations – they are an eclectic mix of traditional and digital tactics that form an integrated communications strategy.
Image by used under CC license.
Week #7 was all about the role of social media in our industry, which has gone from nonexistent to fully integrated in what seems like a blink of an eye. Here at PAN Communications we’ve been working diligently to ensure we are at the forefront of today’s most innovative social offerings. About a year ago we hired Jen Bonney to serve as our Creative Director. Jen has the uncanny ability to create impactful brand stories for our clients that are a perfect blend of words and visuals. I shared some recent successes with the class this week. For example, earlier this month around Valentine’s Day, Jen created an infographic for one of clients, Talend, that highlighted how companies can leverage Big Data to make customers their valentine, which was picked up by a variety of publications such as and InsideBigData.
As more and more clients are jumping on the digital bandwagon, we’ve decided to expand our digital team and are currently searching for a new VP of PANdigital. As one of the assigned readings for this week from The Next Web so clearly pointed out, the internet has open up the door to an unlimited amount of data, but with all of this data comes a lot of questions and challenges. For us, this new VP will help us solve problems and answer questions all while guiding the agency through digital best practices.
At class on Tuesday, I actually shared the job description with my students so they could fully understand how digital is changing the PR industry. In addition to discussing the roles and responsibilities associated with this position, I also spent a lot of class talking about the three different ways our new VP will impact PAN. For example, in regards to client relations, this new VP will be instrumental in helping teams’ layer digital into more traditional client programs. From an agency perspective, this person will be responsible for training PAN employees on the latest and greatest in digital trends to ensure that as a whole, we are a well-rounded PR agency. I myself can’t wait for the new VP to join and look forward to sharing his or her insights with my students at Syracuse. If I can find the right candidate soon enough, I may even have him or her be a guest speaker for both of the sections. The clock is ticking – only 7 weeks left…
This blog post is part of larger series, ‘Cuse Chronicles by a CEO, from PAN President & Founder, Philip A. Nardone, Jr., as he chronicles his experience teaching two capstones classes at Syracuse University’s Newhouse School of Public Communications.