Authors: Mark Nardone
End of Year Evaluation: Is PR & Marketing Integration a 2017 Priority?
Insight from Experts: Employee Advocacy with Ted Rubin
Emerging Growth Businesses and the Journey Toward an Integrating Marketing Approach
Insight from Experts: The Empowered Customer with Ted Rubin
Insight from Experts: The “Connection Economy” with Ted Rubin
PAN unveils new web site in the age of customer (and user) experience
The Ultimate Struggle for the Modern Marketer: Quality and Frequency of Personalized Content
Industry Experts Speak to the Evolution of Modern Marketing & the Connected Customer
Some of the top leaders on the subject matter are unlocking the latest facets for the marketer and connected customer. Experts include Jake Sorofman, Research Vice President at Gartner; Julie Ogilvie, Research Director at SiriusDecisions; Heather Sears, former VP of Marketing at YP; and Matt Fates, General Partner at Ascent.