Infographic Content Marketing

All the Feels: The Importance of Emotional Marketing and Connecting with Your Audience {Infographic}

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Emotional marketing is a tactic that’s utilized by marketers to address their feelings, values and pain points so brands can make connections with their prospects and form brand loyalty. Brands are struggling to do this despite the massive amount of data they’ve acquired, their utilization of influencer marketing and ongoing personalization tactics. The fact of the matter is, only 15% of customers say that brands do a good job of emotionally bonding with them beyond a functional relationship. That’s not great news for brands that are trying to connect and become more transparent.

For CMOs, marketers and communications professionals alike, it’s worth diving into this concept more in-depth so that we can better meet the demands of our customers. In the below infographic I break down: Why emotions should own your marketing efforts, what this tactic entails, what the top emotional purchasing triggers are and what this means for the B2B industry.

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